Good job!
You now have all the required parts on to become a LullaBeebs Infant. Now for the fun parts! Keep following along the rest of the tutorial.

Remove your Hide Body and Hide Head Alphas.

Remove all current body parts and attachments. Your Appearance tab should essentially look like this. Only shape, skin, hair and eyes should be worn.

Undeform your avatar as shown here.

Wear and accept the contents of your LullaBeebs package. This will place an opened folder in your inventory with the LullaBeebs title.

Find in your package and wear the two alphas shown above. Your appearance tab should now look like this.

Attach your LullaBeebs Shape and Body. Your appearance tab should now look like this.

Wear your LullaBeebs skin and brow shape. Your appearance tab should now look like this.

Add your head and BOM eyes. Your appearance tab should now look like this.

For example purposes,
I am using the LullaBeebs Infant Super Pack
Remember... The LullaBeebs Avatar does NOT use the SL UV so there's a small learning curve here.
Read the instructions carefully.
Click on the photos for detailed instructions.

In this example I have All Nails selected (pink = active choice) Here I can change the texture of my fingernails by clicking on the 4 choices directly below. You may also only select the Fingernails or Toenails individually.

Click the side tab to to navigate to your Alpha Options.

Active Alphas will be pink. Pink means the Alpha is hiding the Toe Socks currently.

Turning off the Toe Socks Alpha. Once you turn off the Toe Socks Alpha, your feet will appear as shown in the photo.

Wearing BOM Socks. Now that you have turned off the Toe Sock Alpha, you can wear your BOM socks. Remember when you take your socks off, to once again click "Toe Socks" on your Alpha Menu to reactivate your alpha.

In this example, I have Innie Belly Button hidden (pink=active alpha) and my Outtie Belly button showing (white = not actively hidden)

Here I have my Outtie Belly Button hidden (pink = active alpha) My Innie Belly Button is white (white = inactive alpha, not hidden)

Here I have the Fingernails selected on my Alpha menu (pink = active alpha) They are currently hidden as the button shows pink. To unhide them, click the button to white (white =inactive alpha) You may also chose Toenails or All Nails to hide or unhide.
Active buttons will always be pink. Inactive buttons will be white. An active Alpha will show as pink, meaning that it is hiding a body or head part. To unhide the body or head part, click the button again and it will turn white.

In this example, I am hiding my eyes. You may also choose to hide your ears, scalp or eyelashes.

In this example I am hiding All Teeth. You may choose out of 4 teeth to hide or show.

Click the pink heart with the white line to minimize your HUD. This will keep it out of your way but easily accessible. To reopen it, simply click the baby head.

Open your BOM Alphas starter pack to access some basic starter alphas. Most clothing creators will be including outfit specific alphas as well. Be sure to always wear an alpha when it's provided.

The LullaBeebs Infant Heads are NOT Second Life UV compatible. This means you cannot just wear any hairbase. You must be sure to read packaging and ads that specify the hairbase is compatible with LullaBeebs Infant Heads.

Always demo hair that is not specifically made for LullaBeebs Infant Heads. Most non-rigged hairs can be resized to fit, but be sure and demo before you buy. LullaBeebs will be making more hair for infants very soon!

Please always pay attention to which head you are purchasing your skin for. The 3 heads currently available are Aquarius, Gemini and Virgo. Read the labels on the ads and always demo the skins before purchase. LullaBeebs body and heads are not SL UV compatible and you can only wear skins made specifically for this avatar. We have a big beautiful UV to allow you maximum cuteness and that is the trade off in not being Omega or SL UV compatible. Please respect our skin designers and read and demo w

LullaBeebs is so tiny and has it's own special rigging. It can only wear clothing designed specifically for itself. We have several dedicated creators that are hard at work designing many outfits for you. Please check the store regularly as we will be releasing new things frequently.

We have tested various different AO's with this body and the one we found that works best for crawling and early walking babies is the Baby Grow Up AO. This can be found on the Marketplace. Be sure to click the cog wheel on your AO and click "choice" and SET01. This setting seems to work best. Adjust your hover height if you need to. We will be making our own AO sets soon as well!

If you would like to create your own alpha, wear this tattoo layer as a guide. This will make it easier for you to see what area you need to cut out as you can see which color might be poking through your clothing.

When changing your shape, please remember that not all of the shape sliders will work and the ones that do work may not work the same way you are familiar with with other bodies. To find out why, please refer to the troubleshooting section. This avatar shape/size is for newborn to age 18 months. Use your body shape sliders to adjust the height of your infant to suit the age you are wanting to accomplish.