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Designer Application



All Bad Seed/LullaBeebs and Bebe Brand materials are legally protected.

None of Bad Seed/LullaBeebs or Bebe Brand marketing materials ( advertisement pictures, logos, trademarks, signs, etc.) can be used under any condition without a prior consent.

Any products being sold by a creator must be end products. That involves not giving away UV maps, shadow maps, meshes, scripts, DAE files, or any other part of the creators kits. You may sell items such as clothing, skins, appliers, nail polish that you create, but you may not sell, share or distribute any part of the creators kit itself.

The Creators Kits can only be licensed to one avatar.


Obtaining any part of the creators kit, whether it be the creator DAE files for mesh making, or the UV's to create skins and nail polish, and transferring it to your alt avatars, friends, family or colleagues is NOT allowed.

You may hire someone who has legal approved access to the files to mesh for you so you may texture a mesh, but this mesh must NOT be sold full perm. 

The person you hire to make you a custom must NOT pass you the clothing with the body attached to it in any way, shape or form.

This includes MD files, Blender Files, OBJ files.

You may only be passed the DAE file INWORLD of the actual clothing itself with the creators name attached. This is so we can keep track of the actual creator of the mesh.

If you are a mesh creator, do not pass anything except the final product to your clients. Do not allow them to upload your mesh in their name. You will need to pass them the mesh yourself, under your name.

If applying for the mesh dev kit, you will send me (Eeilee Resident) a mesh you have meshed and rigged yourself. If you skip over this step, your app will be deleted.

Rights are reserved to refuse to sell license for Bad Seed, LullaBeebs and Bebe Brand products to individuals when/if necessary.

You are not allowed to use the blender file to help other body creators. Sharing information about my blender file to help other body creators to fix or build their bodies is against TOS.

You are not allowed to upload the bodies themselves or ANY part of the bodies, into Second Life or any other grid.

People who do custom work are NOT ALLOWED to send my bodies attached to their files in any way, shape or form.

If you do not mesh or rig do not need the files. If you have a custom mesher that  has been approved for the files, they are NOT allowed to send you the body attached to anything in any way.

You are NOT allowed to upload the bodies without prior consent into Second Life, or any other grid, as a model. 

You are not allowed to share info, UV's, files or any other  materials with other body creators to help them with their own products. Doing so will result in your rights to the dev kit materials being revoked. 

I reserve the right to revoke permissions and your license at any time.

I reserve the right to add to the rules at any time.

You will NOT receive a warning. If you break TOS, your access to the kit will be revoked.

If you do not abide by these conditions, you will be reported to the DMCA, subject to any subsequent punishment.

If you see anyone violating my Terms and Conditions please report it.

By purchasing and/or receiving any part of the Bad Seed, LullaBeebs and Bebe Bodies creators kits, you have agreed to this end user agreement and licence.

Please note that you must have either a Marketplace or an Inworld Store. App's submitted without one or both will be deleted.  If you post a link to an empty MP or a MP with resale items that you did not make yourself, your app will be deleted.

Please be sure you have at least 10 items in your store [that you have created yourself and is relevant to what you are applying for. So if you are applying for the mesh dev kit you must have at least ten items you have meshed and rigged yourself. If you are applying for the skin kit, you must have at least 10 skins you have made yourself.)

Tell us a bit about yourself and why you want to create for our products in the comments section.

Make sure you read the END USER LICENCE AGREEMENT before ticking the box.

If you receive an acceptance via your email, you must then join our Discord to be able to access the files:

We will no longer be sending rejection letters. If you do not hear back within a couple of weeks, then apply again later when you have more experience and/or more items for us to see.

We don't have the time or inclination to argue back and forth with people who have been sent a rejection notice. Thank you for understanding.

Which body/Bodies are you applying to create for? (Check all that apply):

Thank you for applying!

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